Statistics (2008-2010)

Frédérique Turbout

The Channel area: the busiest maritime thoroughfare in the world

  • Between 400 and 500 vessel movements through the Channel every day. Altogether this represents 20% of the world maritime traffic.
  • 370 110 000 tons of freight pass through the Channel ports, of which 197 420 000 tons in the French ports and 172 690 000 tons in the British ports, in 2009.
  • 120 daily ferry crossings in the summer.
  • 66 daily ferry crossings in the winter.
  • 8 ferry companies are active in the Channel area depending on the season.
  • 33 753 629 passengers registered in the Channel ports in 2010, of which 17 044 629 on the French side and 16 709 000 on the British side.
  • 9 528 558 travellers took the Channel Tunnel in 2010 and 1 128 079 tons of freight passed through it.
  • 1 326 765 sailing boats are registered in the area, of which 986 903 on the British side and 339 862 on the French side.

Source: CROSS/MRCC, Direction des Affaires Maritimes, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, CCI, Department of Transport, Eurostar, IFREMER, Compagnies de ferries, Direction du transport maritime, des ports et dulittoral, Bureau de la plaisance et des activités nautiques .

The Channel area: population

  • In 2009 there were 45 558 929 inhabitants living in the Channel area, of which 24 138 429 on the French side and 21 420 500 on the British side. Altogether this represents 9.1% of the EU population (27 states) or 13.8% of the eurozone (17 states)
  • Without Ile-de-France and London Area, there were 26 075 716 inhabitants living in the area in 2009, of which 12 408 816 on the French side and 13 666 900 on the British side. Altogether this represents 8% of the EU population (27 states) or 7.9% of the eurozone (17 states).
  • The French population of the area represents 38.6% of the total French population (19.8% without Paris and Ile-de-France).
  • The British population of the area represents 34.6% of the total British population (22.1% without London Area )
  • Population density:

313.3 people per sq km for the area

239.1 people per sq km on the French side

139.5 people per sq km on the French side (without Ile-de-France and Paris)

481.6 people per sq km on the British side

318.5 people per sq km on the British side (without London Area).


Source: INSEE, RGP 2008, ONS Census 2008.

Demographic issues: population ageing

  • 9 308 121 people over 60 years old in the area (with London and Paris) representing 22.4% of the French population and 19.3% of the British population.
  • Ageing rate: 82.4 (with London and Paris), 94.1 (without London and Paris).

Source: INSEE, RGP 2008, ONS Census 2008.

Proximity of the two capital cities, London and Paris

  • London Area: 7 355 000 inhabitants

4 932.3 people per sq km

GVA: €304 920 13 millions (2009)

396 205 students (2008/2009)

  • Ile-de-France (with Paris): 11 729 613 inhabitants

976.5 people per sq km

GVA: €498 118 millions (2009)

617 300 students (2008/2009)

Source: INSEE, RGP 2008, ONS Census 2009, HERO, Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the United Kingdom, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, 2009.

Economic weight

  • GVA of the area: €1 380 377 millions in 2009 of which €582 736 millions without the London and Paris and their respective areas.

Source: INSEE, ONS, 2009.


  • 100.9 millions of tourists (2008).
  • 54.4 millions of tourists on the French side.
  • 46.5 millions of tourists on the British side.

Source: INSEE, ONS, 2009.

Higher Education, R&D, transfer of technology

  • 116 universities in the area, of which 36 in France and 80 in England (with London and Paris).
  • Without Ile-de-France and London Area, 68 universities in the area, of which 22 in France and 49 in England (17 universities in Ile-de-France and 31 in the London Area).
  • 2 005 546 students in 2009, of which 1 023 301* on the French side and 982 245 on the British side (with London and Paris).
  • Without Ile-de-France and London Area, 992 041 students in 2009, of which 406 001 on the French side and 586 040 on the British side.

*with the region of Pays-de-Loire (Academy of Nantes).

Source: INSEE, RGP 2008, ONS Census 2009, HERO, Higher Education and Research Opportunities in the United Kingdom, Ministère de l'Education Nationale, 2009.

Maritime safety

  • Between 400 and 500 vessel movements through the Channel every day.
  • 1 000 fishing vessels movements recorded every day.
  • 186.8 millions tons of dangerous products were declared at the CROSS Jobourg in 2009.

Source: CROSS Jobourg, IFREMER, 2009.

Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)

  • 18 385.4 hectares owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral on the French side .
  • 22 “Heritage Coasts” sites on the British side.

Source: Conservatoire du littoral, Heritage Coast National Trust, 2010.
